Polishing out fade under emblems?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2009
I have a set of thrust blue plastics from an 05 that the emblems were removed from but I can see where the emblems were. Have any of you had luck with polish or other methods to remove this? I've tried Novus #3 (by hand)with no luck thus far, but to be fair I didn't spend too much time on it. Let me know what you've tried or done to solve this.

I've heard people say they usually use rubbing compound maybe once a week or so, and they notice it just fades a little bit each time until it's gone. Don't think I've seen anyone come up with a good answer that'll just get rid of the fading in one shot.

I used a headlight repair kit on the back of my airbox where it got destroyed from the PO putting a cheap sticker on it. Made a big difference, but I think I still need to do it again because it was in really bad shape.
Get some 400 grit, 800 grit, and 2000 grit wet or dry sandpaper. Get it wet sand up the plastic. Once you finish up with the 2000 grit use some plastic polish (following the manufacturer's directions) and voila you have a perfectly renewed tank and flyscreen.

It takes time to get it right but when done the results are often better than new.
Wow!! 400 grit! Sounds kinda rough. Will that get under the fade because that's my biggest concern. The small amount of scratches seem to come right out with the Novus. I have all that paper so I can certainly try that...Do you think I can just do that in the basic area that the emblems were in and sort of "feather" it out to the rest of the cover or should I sand the whole thing? Thanks!
+1 on the headlight renewal method. That stuff works great and follow it up with a good polishing with a spray detailer (Mother's Showtime or FX work great!).
I've been told that the discoloration is from the decals blocking sunlight....I just used platic polish and wax over and over..eventually it was all uniformed. The sanding and polishing to remove my airbox X did nothing for the discoloration btw so im not sure you can sand out the discoloration.
OK hopefully you haven't sanded it yet. Seriously all you need is Novus. I polish everything with that shiz. I went and got a $20 buffer from home depot and some microfiber pads. Buff it till the novus goes dry on the pad, then keep buffing for a few more minutes. It will shine like a.... well.. something shiny
Well...Didn't start sanding yet, but I spent just a few minutes with the Novus #3 w/o much luck buffing out the fade. It's doing a great job against any scratches but the witness marks are still there. Have you "erased" the witness marks from the emblems with Novus Dave? I'm not in a huge rush...I probably won't do the swap until over the winter...You know...I don't have 15 extra minutes til then!! :D

The sliders are gonna keep me busy for the next few weeks so I'm just collecting info & opinions at this point...

Thanks guys![up]
Personally I think novus 2 is the one you should be spending time with. When I tried to remove ghosting from LVsleeper's airbox cover. I just buffed it for about 20 min with a buffer, microfiber cover with novus 2. I was 90% successful.
I suppose i should have bought a buffing wheel a long time ago...would have saved a-lot of elbow grease.
Well...I did a combo of all the above. I tried some Novus 2 & 3, a headlight renewal kit (just the compound and buffing wheel, 1500 & 2000 grit wet paper and I think the best results came from the wet sanding and Novus #2 with a automotive buffer with a wool pad. You can still see the Buell under there if you're looking real close but for the most part you can't tell. That Novus really brings back the luster in the plastic!! Now I just need to decide if I even like the look of the blue...

Here it is (minus the blue chin fairing...waiting to get it back from getting the center painted)
