You CAN get a second life out of your wheel if you want.. take and clean-up the bore with 320 grit, then take a punch and stagger-dimple the inner bore around it's circumference.. then bed-in a new Black-seal 6006 2RS1 bearing with j-b weld, let it set overnight and torque the axle to only 30 ft/lbs upon reassembly. (HD's recommended 50 ft/lbs is too high, inducing axial loading, generating core heat and shortening the service life of the bearing IMHO)
It's a low buck fix, and the "jury is out" as to how long it will last.. however, with that said, I did it to one of the first buells I owned many years ago and the fix lasted 5,500+ miles, (up until the day I sold it, so likely many more)