Hey guys I just got my 03 firebolt 9, I'm starting my first week of riding (already did breather mod and snorkle delete) and the guy has basically let the bike sit in the garage for over a year untouched.
So I changed the oil in my swing arm and it was really bad but I didn't change the oil in the primary. And my shifting isn't that smooth and finding neutral is hard, I just wanted to know if I can put the same mobile1 vtwin synthetic in my primary, I'm not even sure how to change it... I think I saw the drainplug by the shifter, if so where does the oil go in??
So I changed the oil in my swing arm and it was really bad but I didn't change the oil in the primary. And my shifting isn't that smooth and finding neutral is hard, I just wanted to know if I can put the same mobile1 vtwin synthetic in my primary, I'm not even sure how to change it... I think I saw the drainplug by the shifter, if so where does the oil go in??