Problems connected ECMSPY Very anxious!!!

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alan wang

Apr 29, 2014
My cable is FTDI TTL - 232R USB... I installed the FTDI VCP drivers,

I'm sure the drive is installed correctly..Can connect TunerPro RT,Unable to connect EcmSpy..I do not know what is the reason
ECM Version : V1.12.26 My buell xb9
In TunerPro RT can read / write

I want to know what is the reason
could be a COM port issue. make sure you have the right port selected. have you tried clicking the icon that looks like the keys? had issues at first but it was the COM port, now mine works fine.
I'm sure you select the correct port.. can connect TunerPro RT

Im sure that doesnt mean you have thenright com port. The comport is just a designation. You need to make sure that ecmspy is looking at the correct comport. Just cause tunerpro connects doesnt mean ecmspy will.
ok, plug your cable in to your computer. go to device manager and look for which com port the cable is linked to, you should see a list of com ports that are in use. if you see a yellow triangle that has your cable linked to then the drivers are not installed properly. reinstall the drivers. once you know the comport number, i.e COM12, run your ecmspy program. click on options. now click commuications. this will open a box to one auto-detect the com port the cable is linked to or you can use the drop down and select the proper com port. once you have done that you should be set. i think it will tell you if it was able to connect to the com port or not. once you are plugged into you bike click the icon that looks like a set of keys. it is in the upper left portion of the program screen right below file and options. try this and report back.
ok, plug your cable in to your computer. go to device manager and look for which com port the cable is linked to, you should see a list of com ports that are in use. if you see a yellow triangle that has your cable linked to then the drivers are not installed properly. reinstall the drivers. once you know the comport number, i.e COM12, run your ecmspy program. click on options. now click commuications. this will open a box to one auto-detect the com port the cable is linked to or you can use the drop down and select the proper com port. once you have done that you should be set. i think it will tell you if it was able to connect to the com port or not. once you are plugged into you bike click the icon that looks like a set of keys. it is in the upper left portion of the program screen right below file and options. try this and report back

I above to download the latest version EcmSpy_Mono_2.0... Can be read out my bike ECM version..

Why ECM Version: V1.12.26 not be able to connect?
Why can not the old ECMSPY readout?
Is the bike in neutral? That ****** me up the first time I used ecmspy. Had it in gear and it wouldn't connect, popped it in neutral to move the bike and everything started working.

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