so a couple of weeks ago my bike died on me a couple of blocks from home, at the time all electricals were down so when i saw corroded terminals i assumed that was the culprit..
well today she died about a mile from home and i had to push her back, this time the electricals were fine but the bike won't hold its idle and dies every time i let off the gas. Also when i flip the key to on i can't her the fuel primer whining anymore, there's still some vibration from it working but it is very quite. i checked the oil as well since the oil light was coming up and i saw this white goop in the picture below. Anyone have any ideas?
well today she died about a mile from home and i had to push her back, this time the electricals were fine but the bike won't hold its idle and dies every time i let off the gas. Also when i flip the key to on i can't her the fuel primer whining anymore, there's still some vibration from it working but it is very quite. i checked the oil as well since the oil light was coming up and i saw this white goop in the picture below. Anyone have any ideas?