Quick ECMSpy Question

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Hey Fellas/Ladies,
I am having a hard time finding the answer I'm looking for in the search function so I thought I'd throw out my quick question in a new post.

Where do I find the radial button in ECMSpy to turn off the Active Exhaust Switch. My pipe is modified and I want to just remove the deal from under the airbox. I know I've seen it somewhere but am drawing a major blank right now.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

kinda off topic but i plan on doing the same exact thing with my xb12r when i get my hawk exhaust... but i have a 2010 xb... any word yet on the 08+ compatible ecmspy app?
Yeah i've read that and i was under the impression that ecmspy will not detect 08+XBs... is that true or not? I know to reflash to a race map you need to do a bit of configuring but for something like removing the exhaust valve will it still work?

I do not have a cable yet so i can't test it out for myself...
Last night I got my bike running and plugged my laptop into the ECM. Turning the Active Exhaust Valve off was EASY!

Since I'm new to ECMSpy it took me a minute to figure out why it has been greyed out, once I "fetched the map" it became available to turn off on the Diagnostic tab.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction fellas.
2004 XB12R

I feel like a monkey trying to f### a football with this ECMSpy business. I'm just going to have to read through that tuning guide a handful of times.
yeah it appears to have a bit of a learning curve... Good luck man and congrats on the June give-away!

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