I am currently sitting in front of two computers, both opened up to buellxb.com, I'm sitting at work, and I drove down to my gas station last night to fill up before I finished adjusting my cam timing and when I pulled up I saw the last thing I expected... a yellow x1. the guy was walking out as I pulled up to the pump and I just kinda looked at it because I couldn't believe it was actually another Buell. so he takes off and sure enough the tank says "Buell American Motorcycles" on it. so I listened to where it was going and once I was done filling up I took off in the direction he went. well I went out of town about a mile on a gravel road and flew past a house and got to a main road, I turned off my bike and couldn't hear it anymore so I turned back. about 300yds down the road at that same house the guy had started walking out to the road to get his mail and I noticed it was the same guy on the x1 so I turned around again and turned off my bike as I rolled up to him. then we talked about motorcycles for at least an hour. I knew I had seen this bike before but I never knew it was less than a mile from my house.