I also have an old one you could have for testing should you need another one.
Well I got an email with a quote for the molds and producing the bushings Monday from the polyurethane place and a request for $ Well that kinda pissed me off as the person I was working with promised me the prototype set would be ready last Friday so after a few calls I am promised that I will have them a week from this coming Friday. So I am making my own mold fixtures and ordered the chemicals to make the f#€<!ng polyurethane myself and a pressurized oven to cure the bushings myself. All the delays with the damn machine shops has come to an end Mike Lowery has kindly offered to get involved on that end if needed. I also was looking at a building to move my shop to and due to the age of the structure and some damage to it I took a friend who is a structural engineer. Well chatting with Ben after looking at the building we were looking at one of the Buell projects and I mentioned the issue with the machine shops. Ben has his grandfather’s lathe in his garage and suggested some quality beer time at his place and see if I can make them myself a few blocks away. So there’s the update on the isolator project.
Sorry for the delay.
I thought I would be shipping these last April.
Still super interested in the outcome here and appreciate all the hard work CVC!
It's all about durometer (how squishy they are). Poly is more brittle than rubber and fatigues quickly. That was the Achilles heel of past attemptsAnything soft enough to match the durometer of the rubber and be an affective vibration damper would also disintegrate quickly.
I don't now anything about molding or vulcanizing rubber, but man I wish we could find an existing bushing in a shell to just press in. Like something from a leaf spring?
I tried using Moog suspension (I have the old paper catalogs with dimension specs. They were a gift from one of their tech guys. ) there is nothing that would work. The rubber is drastically too hard and there is none dimensionally correct. I spent many hours looking.
The closest was an upper 1991-95 C or K 3500 hd but it was too short and the ID would have to be opened from 14mm to 16mm and no offset and no window for front/rear vibration
Yeah I have checked pillow block mounts and even contacted two manufacturers but they want to sell 1000 or more pieces at a time for stationery equipment. Or only off the shelf parts. But with some homework the front mount for a Blast or tuber might be available.