Hey Thal, maybe that's for the best also!
It's an expensive hobby, looking at the scene. Bikes that handle real high speed and frankly ment to go fast. The goverment invest in secure driving (lowered speed limits), low polution means higher taxes (ah, that's the favourite receipy). Cops are during 2009 ment to focus more at common road users.
More manual laser scannings, being more present at the roads, we also await higher insurances (a big increase during 2009).
Maybe we all should buy a bike with low power and lots of weight running on farts only
Well, i might sound cynical and that is just about what i am. I wish i was a superb driver. Then i would buy a bike fast as hell. Refues to pay any insurances and drive as a holigan from hell. Or maybe, that grandpa style is more easy on me in the long run! Did i tell you my name? Mr.Goof Ambivalent.