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Funny story:

The SO's family see's her as a liberal hippy chick because she questions everything (she is a political science major and currently a high school teacher). I am sure there are reasons I don't know about, but I have always played along.

Several years ago she asked her dad (retired FBI) for shooting lessons. At Christmas, she opened her gift which ended up being an NRA membership, pistol training classes and an NRA "Group Therapy" T-shirt. When she pulled the shirt out and held it up, her sisters and 2 brother in laws were flabbergasted... They had absolutely no idea she supports gun ownership (with some limits) and has been pushing to have police on her campus (currently none, but there is a local liaison officer assigned to multiple campus').

They still think she is some kind of liberal left wing mole determined to infiltrate the NRA and bring it down from within. Yes, their tin foil hats are on tight...
They think she is some kind of liberal left wing mole determined to infiltrate the NRA and bring it down from within. Yes, their tin foil hats are on tight...
We she is quite the pistol, certainly got my attention. Spat my beer out, leaped off the couch to find my Red Rider.
It's even funnier that while visiting my Brother in Huston, he asked if we wanted to go shooting and she almost tripped over herself jumping out of her chair to say yes.
After figuring out the sights on his Glock .45 she put almost a box of rounds tight inside the target center. We texted that photo to her family and they were all in shock at how good she is. Next time we are in Nevada I am paying for her to go fire some automatic weapons and a .50 cal sniper rifle.