Repacking pipe (drummer)

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Well-known member
May 13, 2012
So, planning to repack my drummer. Founded it way too loud, opened it, and noticed that all the glaswool was gone. Repacked it whit some steelwool, that did not last long.

So, going to buy some packing from the local bike shop, but how should i pack it for best result? As tightly and as much packing as possible, or tring to get as "cushly" as possible ?
Is it a original drummer or a SS?

I found that in my SS the holes in the inner core are way to big and allow the packing to push through over time and burrning out.

I wrapped my inner core with wire screen from any hardwhre store, then followed that with 2in DEI Ti header wrap, then followed that with FMF 4 stroke packing. I know it seems extreme but Its lasted twice as long so far with absolutly no change in sound or performance. I was just about ready to junk my SS due to 3 repacks in 6k miles but since this last pack job Im back to loving it..