Replacing idle adjuster cable

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2009
Hi guys,

few hours ago my idle cable just broke off. I managed to set up the idle with a plier but I have no idea how to replace the cable once I got it. Could you send me some posts or picture in order to do this??

Thanks again guys,

same thing happened to me. i managed to adjust it with pliers like you and then changed the cable when i had to rotate the engine down for something else. its possible you might be able to screw a new one in without rotating the engine down but it wont be easy.
i know this is old, but if you take the ignition box off, it becomes literally a 30sec job :)
I was doing a TPS reset and had the same thing happen. It is idling around 1150 rpm and I can't get to the remaining cable to adjust it. It snapped about 5 inches back and I cannot tell where it runs. Any further directions for replacing it? This is a new one for me. 04 XB12s.
Thanks. Someone told me the same thing on another forum. Do you happen to know the part number? I'm looking for a buddy and he said it wasn't in the parts manual...