So, XB12 -05 Drummer exhaust and racemap.
Problem is, that when the engine is revved, the revs come down realy slow, and when they hit 2000-2500rpm, you need to manualy pull them under the 2000rpm by clutch, in order to get it back to idle.
Same thing goes for decel, if im going to stop to trafic lights, and i pull the clutch before the revs set under 2000, i need to use the clutch to pull them back to idle.
So, i guess ill have to do some minor adjustments by EMC spy, but how, should i go for complete fuell cutoff when the throtle is closed, and the engine is above <1500rpm or should i try some bit more delicant aproach ?
Problem is, that when the engine is revved, the revs come down realy slow, and when they hit 2000-2500rpm, you need to manualy pull them under the 2000rpm by clutch, in order to get it back to idle.
Same thing goes for decel, if im going to stop to trafic lights, and i pull the clutch before the revs set under 2000, i need to use the clutch to pull them back to idle.
So, i guess ill have to do some minor adjustments by EMC spy, but how, should i go for complete fuell cutoff when the throtle is closed, and the engine is above <1500rpm or should i try some bit more delicant aproach ?