Revs wont drop to idle

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Well-known member
May 13, 2012
So, XB12 -05 Drummer exhaust and racemap.

Problem is, that when the engine is revved, the revs come down realy slow, and when they hit 2000-2500rpm, you need to manualy pull them under the 2000rpm by clutch, in order to get it back to idle.

Same thing goes for decel, if im going to stop to trafic lights, and i pull the clutch before the revs set under 2000, i need to use the clutch to pull them back to idle.

So, i guess ill have to do some minor adjustments by EMC spy, but how, should i go for complete fuell cutoff when the throtle is closed, and the engine is above <1500rpm or should i try some bit more delicant aproach ?
Hanging Idle is fairly common, I think some members have gotten around it on the pre-08's by lowering the idle setting just a touch, instead of 1k idle while hot, try to get it down to about 800, oh, did it just start doing this, or has it been an ongoing issue?, if it all of a sudden started after months of trouble free, it might be an intake leak, are your cables lubed good? check if the throat of the throttle body is clean, may be some gunk keeping the butterfly from closing completely, do you have the breather reroute?
Nope, its been doing it always. Was eaven worse on the stockmap, racemap helped a bit.

Got breather rerouted, and the cleaned the thortle when i bought the bike. been clean ever since.

You mean lower the idle form the adjuster knob, or by taking some fuell of the map ? Tryed adjusting the knob, but inorder to get it idle <1000rpm hot, the normal idle is so low that the engines idle noises doesent sound healthy anymore.
from the knob, don't take it down too low, just a little, it may be lean in the maps, if you knob the idle down and it starts pinging/popping, your map is too lean, add some fuel to the map, and redo
1st - Adjust idle as close to 950 as you can AFTER the bike is up to Operating temp.

-if still bad

2nd - Spray starter fluid around the intake seals with bike running. If idle jumps up, you have an intake leak.

-if still bad

3rd - Do a TPS reset and begin looking at your maps...

I'm betting you won't need to go past Step 1. ;)
Thanks, i guess i need to take a bit deeper look on the issue. Just tuned my maps doing ~30mile logging on low rpms, and then letted the Megalog do the trick...

Better, alot. Now the rpm drop only gets bit slower when the needle hits 2500, but atleast it doesent hang in there anymore.

The idle is that low?! I remember reading 1150 from somewhere... :/ Gotta adjust that, and thest the intake for leaks :)
Idle should be set to 1050. Do a TPS reset at proper temp and adjust the idle like you're supposed to. Then see if it's still doing it and see if the seals are leaking, there are a few ways to test that. I'd bet money that's the root of the issue though.
Just had the same problem this week after remapping and TPS reset. I re-adjusted the idle to just under 1000 (was 1050) and the problem resolved. Not sure if that will fix yours, but sounds similar and worth the easy shot.
[confused] Snrusnak?? This has been discussed multiple times. The manuals idle recommendation is too high. 950 is sweet spot.

Do the simple stuff first. Twist the idle adjustment screw CCW a small bit after warm-up....simple. If no good, THEN proceed.

if it starts hanging like that for no reason you can assume you have an intake leak.
Snrusnak?? This has been discussed multiple times. The manuals idle recommendation is too high. 950 is sweet spot.

I've never discussed this. I go by the manual, no reason not to(for me anyway), my bike runs great...

In either case, an idle that was set 100 rpm too high wouldn't cause a hanging idle, the idle rpm really doesn't have anything to do with rpm hanging.

if it starts hanging like that for no reason you can assume you have an intake leak.

In either case, an idle that was set 100 rpm too high wouldn't cause a hanging idle, the idle rpm really doesn't have anything to do with rpm hanging.

a high idle will certainly cause a hang. bump up your idle to 1150 or 1200 and see if it doesnt hang. in my experience its a very fine line as to when it will hang on these bikes. im right at 1000-1050. If i get the idle up any higher it will hang on me.

Are the throttle cables adjusted properly? That may contribute.

I agree that leaking intake seals could be a possibility as well but like steven said try the easy idle adjust first.
Mine did that, and the velocity stack wasnt fully seated so I fixed that and did a tpa reset and it was fine. If it still does it after that then your throttle cable may be too tight or the pull cable too loose.
Same problem here. I adjusted the idle up since it was too low before. Around 750/800. Did it at running temp to as close to 1050 as I could. Now I'm getting the hanging idle too. Just adjusted it back down to 950 and I'll see if that helps.
You can laugh all you want, but your lowering the idle rpm to "fix" a hanging idle is a mask to the real problem.

How the hell would an idle set 100 rpm too high(which is actually the correct setting) cause a hanging idle?

Explain it to me if you know...oh you can't because there is no reason...

Even if you set the idle at 1,500 rpm it will quickly return to that rpm if the bike is operating correctly(no intake seal leak).
written already some thousand times: adjust spark advance.
issue fixed.
How the hell would an idle set 100 rpm too high(which is actually the correct setting) cause a hanging idle?
Technically I don't know, I just know it Kona and 1000 others can attest to.

Explain it to me if you know...oh you can't because there is no reason...
There's a reason, I just can't explain it. I just know its effects.

Even if you set the idle at 1,500 rpm it will quickly return to that rpm if the bike is operating correctly(no intake seal leak).
Again, LOL, no it won't. Do like Kona said and try yours... I checked intake leaks & had none when my bike did it - simply turned down idle after reading the Forums & Voila! Go figure... That's why I always suggest trying idle first.

'Course it sounds like Ich may have the fix. Anyone going to try?