I would fire it up, let it idle for a minute, then ride it easy for about 5-10 minutes(all the oil will have cycled a while through the filter at this point), then drain the oil after it's cooled down enough to not burn yourself. Change the filter as well. You'd probably be fine at this point. Really even this is just an extra step for precaution. But you could then do that one more time for extra precaution.
The filter should catch any leftover sand that's in there, but what I'd be worried about is the filter getting clogged faster, then the oil would bypass the filter once it gets clogged and builds up pressure, then you'd be cycling unfiltered oil through the engine.
Like I said though it's probably ok, but I'd do it for extra precaution. And if you have some free time maybe do it twice for extra precaution. Especially sine it's cheap(only like 2.5 quarts, right?).