I used a paint called Hot Rod Flatz. Its a 2 component, single stage urethane. You can buy it at TCPGlobal. I have an HVLP gun and compressor. I tried to rig up a containment room so I didn't get dust and bugs in the finish. If you are a perfectionist, spraying satin at home will definitely damage your calm. There will always be something in the paint, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. The shiny guys would just color sand the blem and hit it with polishing compound and voila, no more blem. We cant do that. Do your best and prep (like PP and vtech said) and lay down the paint and walk away. Come back later and learn to love what you got.
As far as maintenance, there is no buffing scratches out, etc. I have found a wax (Mothers FX spray wax) that doesn't leave much shine behind. Worked great on my 9 (above) and works great on my satin 06 Charger. It helps minimize water spots.