Scared and Alone - A Buell Nightmare

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We Just Sweat our A$$ off in traffic, then roll out just to get some evap cooling. When you get where you are going ReHydrate, Then repeat on the way home.
9 years of riding here, and closing on 32 total in Phoenix
and yes the scenery is great[smirk]
Ophawk is right, the biggest thing is stopping for frequent water breaks. (or using a Camelpack)

Cotton mouth comes on QUICK when it's triple digits.

Ophawk, what part of town are you in?
Live and Work over near the Scottsdale Airpark, and your in the west Valley, right?
Craigslist '04 XB12R (with goodies) with 8k miles, for $4k, last November. I'm @ 15k miles now and have only done scheduled maitnence (oh and 3rd set of tires on it now). Shinko Stealths (corndogs :D ) seem like my Dunlop Qualifers.

I had the luck you had on a ebay cb750 engine. Even picked it up in person. Inspect, inspect, inspect.
p.s. I don't ease up on my bike. I'm all ways giving it hell. Same plugs still in there. [up]
Good for you Grrr.

When I bought my Buell I inspected it, but all the damage was internal so I never would have known anything was wrong.

Oh well, it's getting fixed and once I get it back I'll be tearin it up for sure.
I got my bike back last night.

I got to see all the old parts from the original motor. Cases were all haggard, cam covers were burnt to ****, clutch basket and shifter forks were all booged up.
The only original motor I have left are the heads and the flywheel. Transmission was completely rebuilt, new clutch, new clutch cable. new fuel line.

When I bought this bike, I thought for sure I was riding the fastest bike on the planet. Turns out I was riding a haggard pile of crap with dismal compression on the rear cylinder (broke piston).

Now that it's all back together, I have to break the motor back in, but even at a quarter throttle this thing runs like a raped ape.

Praise baby jesus for extended warrenties.

Arizona Riders REPRESENT!
I'm fairly certain the HD/Buell shop pulled some strings in this. I've bought two motorcycles from them now, and I've spent THOUSANDS of dollars in their parts/service depts.
I can't imagine the extended warrenty people would have actually done this without some convincing.
Ebay 03 XB9S 5K miles only problem people(car part dealer) who sold it where a bunch of idiots knew nothing about bikes but i got a sweet deal 3.6g 3g for bike 400shipping over 1400miles and 200 doc oh and brand new tires and after this winter ill have her in her prime spending less than $800 so it almost evens out
(she will look better than a porn star...why because ill be able to ride her) [up]:D[up]

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