Sept. 2011 Giveaway, WINNER!!!!

Buellxb Forum

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Well-known member
May 19, 2007
Well congratulations to the winner [cool][up]

shoot me a PM with your choice of tail light option and we will get the ball rolling.
Congrats to the winner!!

Now, we should all focus on why Buell Chick was not in that video :)

Seriously though, I appreciate all your efforts Brandon! It should be noted that you put a ton of time into these drawings each and every month!! I know we are talking hours of time...not minutes.

So with that, Thanks Brandon for all your hard work! I hope the folks here know the "free" services your doing!!

Thanks again!
and ride safe everyone!
First one for me and the anticipation was killing me lol

Thank for doing this xtreme and thanks to everyone that donates their products.
I am out of town for the weekend but can still operate off my phone, so make sure to shoot me a PM _______ to get things going.
who won [confused]
I'm on dail up so watching vids is not an option [down]

congrats to the winner

thanks again to and for having awesome giveaways!
Well done with my day at Cedar Point time for some grub and Detriot Tigers baseball game tomorrow.

Top of Millennium Force
Hey Guys,

I would first like to thank Brandon for all the hard work he does for these drawings and being such an active member in the forum. I would also like to thank Rah7777777 (Robert Hall) for sponsoring this give away. I just put on a race pipe/ecm/k&n and this tail light makes my day.

Despite my number of posts, I've checked this site religiously since the day I joined, just soaking up the knowledge. Thanks to all the fellow members. If I have something of worth to give away in the future I plan on posting it up.

Good Luck on the next giveaway everyone, i'll sit one out.
