Serviced my fuel pump huge results!

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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2011
Ok so my bike has 18,300 on the clock and I figured probably time to service the pump before it bites the dust so. Ordered everything from asb and changed all o rings and both filters. Black fuel came out of my inline filter sooo im glad I did that. Before the service on the dyno my current tunes a/f value was 15.2 at wot. After the serve with 2gal 93 octane 1gal 110, my a/f value was 11.2 at wot. I have a wideband so I can check it with out the dyno, im going to retune and hopefullt pick up some power!
Can you give a list of parts you got from asb? I'm at 21k miles, just about to perform my 20k service, and want to service my fuel pump. I see the two filters (17517 and 17518), what else is needed?
If you would be so kind as to do a write up with part numbers and stuff that would be totally awesome.
If you go on asb they recommend all the parts you nerd while getting the filters, you need both filters, the 2 large o rings for the mounting plate, 2 orings for the external line. And thats about it. There really easy to find on asb total it took me an hour and 45 min to do mine. The allen head bolt in the middle of the mounting plate is to drain the tank do that first I spilled a little fuel doing mine, there is already a write up out there just google it. I think its on badweb. Made a big diff to my bike, no more hickups at wot.
did this have any affect on the sound of your pump? mine is starting to get pretty loud and it worries me.
bein' new to Buell/Injected bikes, this got me to looking in my service manual to see what it takes to service the pump...first thing it said is to "remove the swing arm"!! I can see why, given the location of the pump, but Really? It looks to be a PITA, but maybe its not as bad as it seems? Anybody do the fuel pump w/o removing the swing arm?
If armyguy did it in about 1 3/4 hrs, I doubt he took the swing arm completely off. Maybe just took off part of the shock to lower the swing arm some.