Sheared Exhaust Stud

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2010
Hey I just took off my old header and found that one of my front exhaust studs is sheared off. Its about a millimeter into the hole. What do yall recommend for getting it out?
use the good stud to bolt the jig in place without the gasket in the exhaust port. then use the drill and carefully drill out the stud and clean the hole with a tap after. it works great.

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Set a nut on top and weld the hole shut and to the stud. The heat will help expand the aluminum and should back out from the hole.
is there any issue with welding it and screwing up electronics? Id hate to fry something? Also id hate to run the risk of accidentally welding the nut to the block, or the bolt to the block...
You can't weld the nut to the block its steel and block is aluminum not physically possibly as far as electronics Idk unhook the battery
Do as kona suggested or you risk damage to the head, that leads to head removal and machine shop. Replace both studs when going back together. Use little anti sieze, just not copper..