Shifter Linkage fell off Riding Yesterday!

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
Went for a lil ride on the back twisties and just before I entered a sharp turn I went to down shift and found that the foot shifter was bottomed out! So chuged it into somebodys drive way to discover that the bolt had came out that attaches the foot shifter to the crankcase shaft. (sorry no picts) I knocked on their door to find a bolt, but nobody was home. So I walked the ditch and was inspired by a piece of wire that I ran through it and finished my ride back home. BTW, u can still bang gears pretty hard with a piece of wire LOL.
All is fixed now, weird that the bolt came out???
Had that happen on my first long ride of the season last spring. It was bad enough that it started snowing half hour into my three hour drive, but worse that the linkage came apart as the temperature dropped and the light snow became heavy and wet. I walked about a mile back towards the last place I had to downshift and actually found the bolt. Grinded the gears pretty hard on the way back and found out there was a bushing missing as well. Make sure you get it back together properly!
Same thing here a week ago.

Picked up a nice scratch too.

one of my shift linkage rod ends broke one day. that was sweet. ive also noticed those bolts backing out. its a good idea to check for loose bolts on occasion.
That stinks man, fortunatley mine was the bottom bolt.

Please check them, I found several loose bolts here and there, and yes even the top one just as in Rideordie's pict.
The best thing to do if you buy a used bike is to take all the bolts out and lock-tite almost every single one and re-torque them to specs.

Tedious.... But worth it in the long run saving $$$ and possibly your life.
yeah had that happen to me a few times. Well almost. So far I was able to catch it before it fell completely out. Throw a little loctite on there and just check it every now and then.
yeah I just put 500 miles on the old paint mixer, its a rough ride in that little can, but I can get 600rpms out of her![smirk]
Those little bolts, I call them Ta Tas Helps remind me w/ a nice picture of tweaking those Uh, small OR large ones so as not to lose anything . The bikes do viberate so Tighten those Ta Tas & Ride safe![smirk]