Slash my tire? Really?

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2011
Why are people ***** for no reason?

My truck was in the shop so I was riding my bike for work. Come out of an appointment to find my rear tire totally flat!

I chalked it up as me picking something up until I limped it to a gas station to see if it would hold enough air to get me home. It was then I saw a slash about an inch long dead center. I picked out what looked like a chunk of carpet knife or an x-acto blade. I assumed I had picked it up on the road but the more I thought about it the more it looked deliberate. How could a tiny blade hit my tire perfectly vertical?

Bastards! I had a good 1000mi left on it.

Why randomly mess with someones bike and why do something that could have potentially hurt someone.

Luckily its only a tire and it wasn't kicked over like I have read a few times.

Karma *******... karma.
It could be natural causes... I would rather think it was. Looked like someone stabbed it and pulled back on it breaking the blade.. but that is the rotation of the tire so maybe it got kicked up just perfectly.

On a side note... rocky mountain atv! Holy low priced tires! Figures they were out of stock of the tire I was after. But they will get some future bidness fo sho.
the four that stand out are a pencil,7/8 snapon wrench,1/4 drive matco ratchet and a horse shoe.
the wrench was a chevy van tire sometime around 1989 dont know why i remember that.the others i dont remember but they were not big trucks,cars or regular trucks
Nwrider, obviously I don't know what happened but if it gives you any piece of mind, that exact situation happened to me while riding 70mph down the highway. As I exited and turned, the back end washed out and I went into the grass. Got lucky and kept it up, but when I got her stopped, I had a slash almost exactly as you describe.

Maybe you did pick something up and it gave you a slow enough leak you didn't realize it when you got off the bike.

Sucks though either way! [mad]
I find it highly likely that you probably picked it up riding. I've been working around cars/tires tires for the better part of 10 years now. You would be astounded with what ends up in tires. I've seen deer antlers, screw drivers!(handle first), razors, nails, screws, staples, buck knives. I think you get the picture. We have a 5 gallon bucket at work we empty every year with the most random **** imaginable in it we found in tires. If it's on the road, it can probably end up in your tire.
Hey Michael.. sorry to hear of your mis-fortune.. (is it time to throw a 200 on it? might look good w/that new tube rear section:D)
Yea... You guys are right... Probably just something i picked up.

Ordered the stock size.. Maybe when its time to do a front as well i will step it up