When I bought the bike 08 12r, it had 10,xx miles at first oil change I changed plugs as well and it seemed to have a smoother idle and a more rounded power curve after. Before new plugs it had a flat spot running through 1st gear and sometimes second gear.
Recently @ 24k miles I needed an oil change but went over (bad I know) to 3500miles instead of 3k. But my flat spot in first is recurring. And again sometimes in second.
I changed spark plugs last night and it runs so much better today. Flat spot gone and better idle.
?Would stock ECM, K&N filter and hollowed out muffler make it run rich? I' have thought that it'd make it lean if anything? Could running lean damage plugs as well?
I just need to have the air/fuel checked I guess.
Well I'm at work and don't have my old one with me but It did have some deposits around the base of the electrode.
As far as cleaning spark plugs. There is nothing wrong with it(If you do it right). It's done all the time on aircraft engines out here at work(with glass bead media and a thorough cleaning). So yes I'd have no issue doing so but....aircraft plugs are 30$ and bike plugs are a few bucks. I wouldn't myself.