Since any answer here would be totally guessing, because we are on the internet without your bike in front of us to actually test and diagnose for you...
Get the manual download from or and look at what circuit powers the dash and the kill switch (it's the same circuit), use the manual to see where the wiring goes, or actually remove some body panels to look.
Get a test light or voltmeter (either can be free from Harbor Freight) to test sections of the wiring to see where the problem is. Be systematic from A to B and you WILL find it.
Don't 'assume' anything, that is "skipping a step" and will cause you time and money. So double check the fuses and relays are good.. Swap relays around, swap fuses around. Look for bad connection in the fuse box.
I LOVE these light up fuses. When the link breaks, the power is sent through a little LED.