stupid drivers

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Nov 30, 2009
Last night someone backed there car into my 1125CR and knocked it over in the right side. Brake lever is bent and broken, rad cover is scratched to hell, stator cover is packed with asphalt. After getting her info I rode it the 10 miles home, and the ambient air reading seamed off. Usually its 10° - 15° higher than outside are, it was reading 118° and it was only 70° outside. Do you think the temp sensor was damaged? The crank case temp was only @ 180°?
man thats a DRAG!
last year my wife called me in tears to tell me she had backed our big ass truck into a giant touring sled and knocked it over, she was devasted cause she knows how I am aboot bikes in general...
she stuck around til the older couple came out and they picked the bike up together and luckily there was only some scratching but nothing was broken....
the couple appreciated my wife staying as they said "most would not even leave a note let alone stay til the owner came back"

She explained my love and passion for riding and how choked I would have been if it was my bike..

heres hoping your problem is minor!

bummer, i'm always worried when i leave my bike parked in a busy parking lot! hopefully you can get everything fixed up quickly and get back out there!
oh and I usually park BamBam up near where bicycles park or somewhere cagers can't fit or go...
Whenever I park my bike behind a car that looks like it may have to back towards my bike to get out of its spot, I always snap a pic of the license plate JIC.
just some ideas:

The temp sensor may have been knocked loose and is picking up some heat from something or the damaged pod may be directing more hot air to the sensor...?
whenever possible, I never parked in the parking lot but at the front door, almost had some ******* back into my bike at the carwash until he finally noticed me yell at him.
I never park in a spot. I will park on a sidewalk, a business front, or next to the windows of a restaurant before I park in a lot. I will risk the ticket or tow truck.
Where I was at has Motorcycle only parking directly across from the front door. I'm just glad my buddy saw it happen, State farm just called. They want me to take it to the dealership, so I’m guessing 3 week parts wait... :( I wonder if I can get my first service included into my estimate ;)

Just figures, first vehicle that I have ever bought'n new... and some dumb bitch runs it over!
Sorry about your luck.. I had my XB sitting outside a sandwich shop I stopped at this weekend. I sat at the window directly in front of it, 8 feet away. There was a spot open on the side. Some gezzer decides to pull in next to me. He about hits my back blinker turning in and stops next to me so close his wife had to do one of those crack the door and wiggle out sideways things so as to not hit my bike. All so they could have some coffee from the shop next door. WTF? cant people see motorcycles that arent as big as a couch crusier??

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