the 09 xb12ss

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2010
you know what they look like but here is mine anyways. i plan to have some custom paintwork done down the line but not sure when. so far i have only dont the dual headlight mod, fender chop (which i cant believe people pay so much for aftermarket ones. it took me 2 1/2 hours including paint) also shaved down the 2 ribs under it too, and spacer removal on the front blinkers, jardine can, and for the time being i removed the passenger foot pegs until the wife wants to ride.

future mods include; either integrating turnsignals into my stock tail light and using a clear lens or modifying my rear hugger to hold 2 turn signals.

hid headlights
right side scoop
led accent lights
plug n play ecm (as soon as i figure out which one i should get)
custom seat
seat cowl (if i can find one for an ss thats in american and i like)
different mirrors

but anyways you know what they look like, here is mine







and some other hobbies of mine

my 98' yz250

my old dune buggy, my dad's kx220 and my grizzly at little sahara oklahoma

my 05 raptor 660. currently torn completely down. just got the frame powdercoated lime green metallic and am currently waiting on funds to get some parts needed.

and my big project ^ my 65' mustang coupe. if i wouldnt keep getting different things like my buell, im sure i would be much further along on it lol.

anyways if any of you share similar interests let me know. im looking for some raptor parts too
Looks good brother. Still lots of cool things you can do to your bike.

My Buell has come to a stand-still in deference to a CB750F Super Sport I just picked up.
Nice job on the taillight... What did you use to paint it? I'm in on all the other toys too. I got out of 4-wheelers and back into boats, last go around, but I've lost some interest there too... And one of these days I'll come across a 65 or 66 fastback. I helped with building a 65 notchback for a long time that we dragraced. Back in the MAR days. I'll have to dig up some pics. The chassis work was done by one of Bickel's top guys. Unbelieveable fabricating, and a super nice guy...

Oh and mirrors. I'm tempted to go with the Aprilia ones from ASB, especially since they're so reasonable. But there's a few from Rizoma that I'm having a hard time not considering... I'm going with the ebr ecm, k&n, and a drummer, if I ever get my hands on the muffler I bought [up]
Man I'm glad I know how to tune an 08+ bike. All you guys going for EBR ECMs are dropping $250 a piece. Cost me $30 (for a cable) to remap my ECM as many times as I damn well please.
Yeah, $30 bucks sounds nice. By the time I get dyno time though I doubt I'd save much. Plus I have a hard time thinking I can do a better job than them.

I'll bite though, I'd like to know how you're doing it. Everything I've read says you can't remap an 08+
im wanting to get the ebr ecm just for the simple plug n play type factor. im ok on computers but probably wouldnt trust myself tinkering around in there. engines arent my thing, fixing dents on the other hand i can do. i just still have some quesitons before i get the ecm.

as for the fender delete, i used euorpean trim black and a quick once over with a little polish after it dried. matched pretty damn good. i cant believe people pay over 100 bucks for those things! i'll chop them for ya!

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