A acepilot79 Well-known member Joined Oct 22, 2009 Messages 326 Mar 19, 2010 #1 saw this vid and thought it was pretty cool.
T Train Active member Joined Mar 17, 2010 Messages 30 Mar 19, 2010 #2 I wonder what his rear tire pressure is... I guess he's from KCMO too
H hula Buell Well-known member Joined Jun 19, 2009 Messages 471 Mar 19, 2010 #3 Holy Craps!!! How come my Firebolt doesn't do that kind of stuff? O... Its cause I aint HOT....Cool vid..
Holy Craps!!! How come my Firebolt doesn't do that kind of stuff? O... Its cause I aint HOT....Cool vid..
A Alfatango1 Well-known member Joined Nov 2, 2009 Messages 2,244 Mar 22, 2010 #6 I do that one thing on there where the girl faces me and all with one exception. My bikes not moving
K kalifornia Well-known member Joined Jul 16, 2009 Messages 747 Mar 22, 2010 #7 stunters run around twenty pounds in the rear, I watched with my own eyes Jason Pullen do a backward wheelie on his sportster a couple of weeks ago. He is pretty bad ass and fast as I found out.
stunters run around twenty pounds in the rear, I watched with my own eyes Jason Pullen do a backward wheelie on his sportster a couple of weeks ago. He is pretty bad ass and fast as I found out.