The end of a good year.

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May 26, 2011
Friday, May 25th 2012, was the 1 year anniversary of the purchase of my 2009 Xb12r, It is my unfortunate announcement that I was in a relatively severe motorcycle accident on May 25th. My wife and I were riding home (less than a mile) from a fancy restaurant, it seemed nothing could go wrong for us - it was all so great. We rode the bike home and turned down the connection road to our apartment complex, unfortunately the city of Virginia Beach has FAILED MASSIVELY on maintaining many of the roads, this road had a hidden vertical pothole, between my attempt to turn away from it last minute and my wife not being a normal addition on my bike I ended up riding right through the hole, it seemed like we had cleared it until I felt a sudden snag; The front tire halted in its spot, it had become pryed in the V shape exit of the pothole. I witnessed my Wife fly off over my head immediately before flying approximately 15 feet landing faceshield first (and right hand). In complete disbelief I immediately got up just in time to watch my bike continue rolling end over end another time or two going down the road. I checked on my wife "are you ok" as I threw off my helmet, she told me "I'm fine, are you ok". Suddenly I took my focus off of her and the bike and felt the impact, "The touch of death" as we refer to it in the EMS field, I honestly felt like I was about to die, I told my wife "Call 911, I think I am about to die" the next thing I remember is being surrounded by about 15 people holding me down, I was freaked out trying to find my wife - I thought maybe we got back on the bike and were in another wreck, the Paramedic on scene (one of my work friends) told me "Stafford, STOP - Dude you just had a seizure, you've been in a wreck". As we skip a few paragraphs of a lights and sirens trip to the local level 1 trauma center while I realize just how much my ribs, right hand, knees, femurs, left ankle, RIBS AGAIN, and back of my head hurts. I end up at the hospital - Talking to the MD who Signed my Prehospital care report the previous night when I was working on the ambulance, He orders me a friendly dose of pain meds and some zofran to kick the nausea's ass. I received many CT's and X-rays, many of my rescue friends are dropping by saying hey, and just trying to make sure I am still alive, (did I mention my blood pressure was in the 70's).

Anyway no Brain injury, no long standing issues - just going to be awhile before I can lift things again.

After checking my bike damage report (by myself):

Scratching to the Headlights
Gouging of the Front top faring
Gouging of the Windshield
Clutch trigger is screwed (it both rotated and somehow loosened the wire and the bolt holding the assembly together properly
Airbox was miraculously missed by the accident COMPLETELY
removable passenger seat was torn open
rear faring is gouged with a visible through-through hole in it
gear shift broke off at the hub
Headers have melted shoe on them
Left mirror broke off at the connection to the faring (the hook and bolt both snapped in half)
there are other various scratches and damage but nothing major

Unfortunately my insurance company is claiming because another vehicle was not involved they will only be liable for my medical bills... **** PROGRESSIVE!

So due to an already present financial struggle and the insurance playing games; it appears my Buelling is over.

I thank every one of you for the stories, the advice, the tricks, and the companionship. But it appears my story is over.

Metal is metal .. but you're still alive and more importantly so is your wife. Don't forget it could've ended much worse.

Heal quick [up]
Wow glad you're okay. Reading the title I thought there was going to be a joke about 365 used rubbers. Like I said glad you're okay and one day hopefully you'll get back in the saddle
Consult an attorney on the insurance. Doesn't sound right to me unless you only have liability.

Glad you're going to be ok.

Wht we the cuse of the seizure? Head injury?
Yep progressive just screwed my wife and I on her car repair. Its a botched paint job they warranty there work, but must be color blind because they couldn't see the difference in the color of paint. Complete BS. I have been with them for over 6 years and they are going to lose all of my business. 5 cars, 1 bike and the house. Rant over:D

Im really glad to hear your are ok and your wife as well. Don't give up so soon. You will have another. Definitely consult an attorney. They don't charge to discuss it initially.
I'm happy that both you and your wife will be okay and although the insurance company is %^&*ing with you at the end of the day you have your wife there by your side and that is more important than any material thing in this world.
heal up quickly brother Bueller, very glad you and your wife were not seriously injured, bikes can be replaced.. guys can't be
i would 110% consult an attorney about the medical bills. that sounds like complete shenanigans if you ask me. glad to hear you and your wife are ok [up]
City will have pothole liability. Usually not a problem to get vehicle damage costs. Give it a try.

Glad you're both sort of okay.
Glad to hear you are both ok for the most part. Being in EMS myself, It sounds like your wife is damn lucky. Heal quick man. You will be back on a Buell.
Had a couple of minutes to take a quick look for you. I'm studying to become a Paralegal here so it's like homework.

Here's a local and recent link: VB pothole liability

One condition that looks like it might need proving is did somebody complain about the pothole? Some municipalities have a time limit.

Anyway, looks like it would be worth checking up on.
+1 Lamarchangel[up] for doin the research for him.

I hope all is well with you & your wife X. I was involved in an accident over 8 months ago. Nothin too too serious, banged my left knee up pretty good. Still fighting the insurance company tho. (Liberty Mutual)
It will all work out for the best brother, it just takes time. I hope over time you change your mind about riding. But ultimately it's your call. Please keep us updated on your course of action and the outcome. Good Luck in whatever you decide to do!!

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