Throttle cables questions

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
Hopefully some of you can give me some advice. I almost have my bike back together. I basically just need to hook up the throttle and front brake. I went to hook up the throttle cables today and they were REALLY tight, like I had to almost stretch them to hook them up. I got it all hooked up (by loosening the adjusters all the way) and it was so tight still that the cable wrapped around the throttle sleeve kept it from returning to idle position on it's own when I turned it. This was with a 1125 throttle sleeve I bought on ebay to replace my cracked one. I then tried with the original sleeve and exact same results.

I didn't change anything in the ways of cable to throttle location or distance or anything, and didn't change any cable adjusters (except after it wouldn't reach). The only thing I can think of is that the cables have "shrunk" from sitting loose for a few months. Either that or it's routed incorrectly.

Any thoughts? If I can get this figured out I can be riding very soon...

I know they're not hooked up in these pics but I am holding them the way they were routed when hooked up. Is this correct?



Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture before taking it apart. Can you all help me out with that part? The way I have it seems correct/logical. But who knows...
Thanks williegoat. Tomorrow after work I will switch it around and see if it makes a difference.
Hm my friend just sent me a pic of his and his throttle cables are in front of his clutch cable, just like how I have mine...
Can anyone help me out and confirm that this is correct:





I tried routing the throttle cables on the other side of the clutch cable and it was binding badly so I put it back. This seems correct and it seems better than it was yesterday. It is still too tight though, there is no slack at all in the throttle. I guess I need to loosen it at the TB, but it just doesn't make sense because nothing changed so it shouldn't have needed adjusted (at least that's my thoughts). I even loosened it all the way at the clip on and it's still a little too tight.

If you all could confirm it's hooked up and routed correctly or send/post pictures of yours I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
Well i found this pic from when I first bought the bike. So it looks like I have the cables routed incorrectly.

I didn't pull the motor.

Mine is routed like that except I need to fix it as I have it on the wrong side of the clutch cable. Once I move that it will be identical to what you posted. Thanks for posting that.
Well well well....I took off the airbox and here's what I found:


I didn't realize the cables weren't secured by anything other than a "sheath" on the TB side. All the adjustment is at the throttle sleeve. I actually like this, makes it simpler IMO. I must have pushed it out of the sheath's position when lubing it and pushing the cable in and out.

All is good now, even started it up and used the throttle and it works fine :)

Thanks for all the help and pics guys! I'll be riding in no time now!
Thanks again for the help.

I actually have one other issue I need resolved in regards to routing of cables/wires.

Most of the wires run through the small area where the fairing stay bolts to the frame(under the ignition). IIRC, there was one bundle of wire on each side of the fairing stay that was on the outside of that area. I can't remember which bundle it is on the throttle side. I've got the clutch side figured out, just need to know which one is outside on the throttle side.

Can anyone answer that?

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