Check your throttle cables connection at the Throttle body. If that is good to go then that will reQuire the throttle Tube handle area to be to be removed to check the insides of where both the cables come together.Key off on the key switch!!
Inspect the Throttle Tube for cracks OR the cable itself may be in need of inspection for slack also at the Spring return on the throttle body should be tight. Most likely the small amount of slack will hopefully be the Throttle tube.
As far as just tightening it up look it over first lube it properly and get it smooth working. There is no screw or adjuster for just tightening up the Cables. There is a small adjuster up at the top of Throttle cables but make sure all else is inspected & working smooth before adjusting it. This way you know all else has been done and working properly.
The small adjuster up at the Throttle handle is easy to break or strip out the threads. Take your time & Good Luck. *Jimi