Timed out reading 0 from 6 bytes

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Sep 26, 2018
I know this has been discussed before in other post but I can’t seem to find anyone posting a fix for it. I got my buelltooth from buelltooth.com. Plugged it in... connected to it ... opened up app and it connected no problem.

When I went use it again I can’t get the app to connect to it. Keep giving me a time out error. I’ve tried to connect right after ingnition on... reninstalled the app and unpair then pair with dongle. Anyone know how to fix this ? Thanks.
Mine would do that if I left it plugged in. I think it was heat related, as if I would unplug the module and let it come to room temp, it would start working again.

edit: mine wasnt a Buelltooth.com branded one.
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My Buelltooth one does the same as yours Sosa, mostly when trying to pair, for no reason I can identify.
I just start from opening the app and pairing again and after a time or 2 it connects. Seems to read more pages each time until it reads the full 7pgs and is OK.
It doesn't seem to like to be paired for too long, but I leave the dongle plugged into the loom all the time, so maybe its heat like 3419 says? - jv
I've had 2 Buelltooth brand units plugged in to the XB's since the day I bought them +/- 2 years and maybe 20k miles between both of them. No issues.

Previously the one thats been in Stella for 2 years now was on my 1125CR for about 15k miles so I think they don't mind being plugged in or vibrated:)

and the OP never answered the question about the run switch:upset:
Ahh... sorry Sosa, just remembered something. I was concentrating on the time-out error you described (which I'd just seen when switching the Buelltooth from my bike to a friends one) when I first replied.
I got more time-out error notifications with the first Buelltooth dongle I had, and then it ceased to pair at all. This was after a period of about 6 weeks from when I first got it. I can't remember if it still gave the time-out error, but I emailed Buelltooth about it.
They replied quickly. Said for me to send the unit back to them (from NZ) and they'd check it. They sent me a new one at no charge and its been ok ever since, although I still get the time-out error sometimes, like I said above - jv

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