Tranny/Primary Fluid

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Sep 1, 2010
Well i finally got around to reading my manual and it says to use Genuine Harley Formula+Transmission and primary crankcase lubricant [confused]

I used Mobile 1 V-Twin Specific oil like Dave's video that wrong??

Please let me know asap cuz im kinda worried now. Thanks
nope your fine I've been using Mobil 1 V-Twin 20w-50 since 1k miles and have 22.8k on her now.
I've used Mobil 1 for 27k HARD miles. Still runs great. I get no metal on my magnet drain plugs. Changed every 3-5k miles depending on how I felt I was treating her. :)
I agree most use 20w50 for engine oil for wide temp use and better cold starting,

just make sure it made & designed for (4 stroke) motorcycles .
and/or recommended for air cooled motorcycle engines and and use an oil for WET CLUTCH USE for in the primary or you could ruin your clutch very QUICK

also some oil manufactures like RP recommend 20w50(maxcycle) for engine oil and 10w30(maxcycle) for the primary , but if using other oil from another manufacture go with at least 10w40 or 20w 50 in primary and make sure it for WET CLUTCH USE for in the primary or you could ruin your clutch very QUICK.

definitely reccomend full synthetic oil , like Royal Purple or mobile 1 . USE the best that you can afford , same goes for the filter (oil & air)...

info for oil change in service manuals above.

best motor oil to use thread

oil primary change

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