Transmission shifter fork drum installation

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Oct 9, 2011
2003 XB9R I have a completely torn down motor. Case is split. I am installing the new transmission and new shifter fork drum. Per the manual, they want me to install the drum with the previously scribed mark at the 6 o'clock position while the transmission was in 4th gear. I couldn't scribe that mark because my transmission was locked up in 2nd gear prior to tear down.
The drum itself has a marking line on it on the inside but the manual doesn't state which way it should be pointing for a new installation.
Nobody? The dealer doesn't even know. Its not in the service manual eather. Obviously, the factory put a stamped line on the shifter fork drum so that it could be installed in the correct position. I just need to know what the position is.
I don't know what to tell ya' jg. My '08 manual makes a pretty big deal about making sure you put a scribe mark on the shift drum before you take it out. i know under your curcumstances, you couldn't. The '08 manual tells you to scribe the mark in the 12 o' clock position with the transmission in neutral. It says nothing about an existing mark, like you said. none of this probably helps but it'll keep it bumped up to the top[smirk]
Let me try to explain better. You need to split the case on the 2003 XB9R when doing transmission work. My tranny was locked up so I couldn't scribe a line on the outside of the shifter fork drum on the side of the case prior to tearing it apart.
I now have my new transmission countershaft and mainshaft and all the gears installed. I now have to install the shifter fork drum. The manual tells me to install it using the previously scribed line at the 6 O'clock position. I don't have a scribed line because my transmission was locked up tight in second gear I think. There is a definate factory installed marking line on the inside of the shifter fork drum. Its there so that it can be installed in the correct position so that all the gears work. I need to know what position it needs to be installed in because the shifter fork drum and shifter forks can be installed in several different positions.
Bump. Dead in the water here. What a drag. Something seemingly easy has turned into a 3 week plus stall out on my rebuild.

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