triple tree help

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2012
I have an 04 xb12r that had a cracked triple tree. purchased a new one at LHD. now what all needs to come off?

I know the bars have to come off, the ignition with security bit, and the 3 clamp points have to be undone.

Is there anything else? It looks like there are nuts on the forks that need to come off too, but i don't know.

Also, can this be done with the bike on the ground or do you need to take the weight off the front end?

Thanks for the help.
the lower triple will hold the forks if the bolts are tight. you should just be able to take out the safety bolts, take out the three pinch bolts and the lock nut thing in the middle. then the two bolts that hold in the handle bars. and they should just swap into the new one and the old one will lift off just as easily as the new one will slide on. there are retaining rings on the forks that will stop the triple from sliding too far.