I have the following Ulysses parts for sale.
Front modules (L+R) including the center piece that the instrument cluster attaches to $100+shipping
Rear seat rails and tail piece, including seat pan, battery tray and seat $150 + ship
Stock headlight assembly $75 + ship
Ulysses footpeg mounts $50 +ship
Ulysses rider footpegs $75+ship
Ulysses passenger footpegs $50+ship
LF Heavy Industries v1.5 performance slip on $50+ship
(this one was built in El Segundo, CA - Not Leola, PA)

Front modules (L+R) including the center piece that the instrument cluster attaches to $100+shipping
Rear seat rails and tail piece, including seat pan, battery tray and seat $150 + ship
Stock headlight assembly $75 + ship
Ulysses footpeg mounts $50 +ship
Ulysses rider footpegs $75+ship
Ulysses passenger footpegs $50+ship
LF Heavy Industries v1.5 performance slip on $50+ship
(this one was built in El Segundo, CA - Not Leola, PA)