unbelievable rescue burning car biker trapped under.

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wow. great story, hope the rider is ok. did anyone watch the video? Pretty crazy stuff.
Wow that is crazy video. That poor guy was there for way too long. No helmet either [down] not smart!
Awesome video. Amazing the kid survived. According to the stories about the accident he's in stable condition. The guy in the business suit was driving and just stands there the whole time. They probably thought the kid was dead.
Good on the people for saving him, but I wonder why they only pulled his body 5th from the car and not to a safe location incase gas began to leak and burn.

Dude looked dead so I assume the guy pulling his body out thought the same
Great that they pulled him out but why right after, they all walked away? I dont really understand that part.
yeah, im glad they saved him...but how does no one step in and check a pulse, try to talk to him...something. At least pull him far enough away that if the fire spreads and catches to the gasoline he doesn't get engulfed in more flames.
Great that they pulled him out but why right after, they all walked away? I dont really understand that part.

It looked to me like the cop shoo'ed them all off in case the car was gonna blow. Probably standard procedure, but it did seem like they left the guy laying there for quite a long time before having anyone check him.
Love how the guy in the suit (Driver I guess) does nothing while everyone, including a girl are trying to lift the car off this guy.
That poor guy was there for way too long. No helmet either
No, shirt, no jacket, he's lucky to have skin left on his back if he does at all.

I would think the damn smoke would have been bad to breathe in for all that time.
In the articles it states the bmw was at fault too. Love how the cop doesn't check vitals either. As a cop, you always have to check the person. They should have moved him a lot further away as well. Had a similar situation when I was off dude, guy on a scooter hit a car. Scooter was on fire. No one was getting him away from the scooter. He did have massive head injures though. Was only wearing a brain bucket. I had to drag him onto the curb, and then started to check vitals, breathing because his jaw was completely smashed/dislocated, stop the bleeding. The paramedics were so slow getting there. Lucky he lived and he's now getting deported since he was illegal. I only hope that the police charged the bmw driver with a offense.