Wanted, 2008-2010 Buell XB12 fuel pump

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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2017
Victoria, British Columbia
Hi, I am in need of a used 08-10 XB fuel pump.

What I really need is the actual body of the pump. Mine has developed a leak around where the wiring passes through the pump body and I have had zero success trying to plug that leak. I know that the 2010 pump is unique to that year but the body of a 08-09 pump looks similar enough that I should be able to make the older style pump housing work. If you have one, in working condition or not I am interested, as long as it does not leak I can work with it. If you have one of these let me know.


Interesting side note, my bike is a 2010 XB12 Scg and I actually found a NOS stock pump for it at a dealer in Mississippi called Harley Davidson of Jackson. They told me that the part would be $400+ dollars with a 12% obsolete part surcharge. With shipping, exchange rate and duties this new pump was going to cost me the better part of $1000 Canadian but I figured what choice did I have. So I decided to bite the bullet and tried to order the part from him. Unfortunately, I live in Canada and they said that they would not ship to me, when I asked why no reason was given, he just said they wouldn't do it. My local Harley dealer tried to help by doing an inter dealer parts transfer with them, something he says they do all the time. When he contacted the Jackson dealer he said the guy he spoke to tried to deny they had the part but when he was pressed finally admitted that he did have it but would not ship it to him or me under any circumstances. My local guy tried to get H-D to help but was told that they don't get involved with inter-dealer disputes and that it was up to dealers to work it out. The guy at my local shop said that he has worked for Harley for 40 years and has never witnessed anything like it but said that he was not surprised. He said that ever since Willie G stepped aside things at H-D HQ have gone down hill big time especially where customer support is concerned. He said it seemed that all H-D cared about is getting butts on new bikes and customer support after the sale was nothing more than an after thought. (his words, not mine).
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Sir: The 2010 XB fuel pump does NOT interchange with any other model year XB pump. Reason being is that the wiring harness is detachable and unique...and the pump pressure is regulated by the rail sensor/ECM settings...and not a captive dedicated pressure regulator.
1- Simply refresh the filters and fuel level sensor on yours and as Shaughn suggested...use a dedicated fuel-submersible-suitable sealant to repair the factory harness-to-housing grommet. Tedious but completely do-able.
2-Purchase the 2010 pump at the Jackson, MS dealership, have it shipped to me, and I'll forward it up to you via USPS priority. Shipping weight of all XB pumps is 2 US pounds.

I keep the sensors...both filters...bushings....all 5 O-rings in stock here and I ship to Canada several times weekly.
Yes, thank you Barrett!

Things have been a bit crazy up here in the great north west what with monsoon rains, windstorms, mudslides and major flooding. With all that I have had my hands full just keeping my head above water (literally) and have not had loads of time to work on my bike or visit the web site. Its all been a bit biblical in scope and has been made worse by people being as they are hording food and gasoline. Things are starting to settle down a bit now so I will get back to my bike.

Again, thanks for the offer. I've already rebuilt the pump last year with a kit from you so I think I will try sealing the area up with Permatex goop that Cooter suggested first then see how that goes.

Will keep you posted.

Hey, quick update for you if anyone is interested. I was able to fix the fuel leek (at least so far) by using a product called Seal-All. It dries hard and is fuel and oil resistant. We'll have to see how long it lasts before it decides to leek again. Who knows, maybe never:)

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