Weird burn mark on speedo

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Mar 3, 2012
I was talking to PhxBueller the other day when we realized we both have identical burn patterns on our speedos. The cluster functions perfectly but cosmetically it looks terrible. I bought my Buell from a correctional officer who told me he got it back from service with the mark. I did find it odd that he never made them fix it since they should have covered any costs for the repair. Always thought it was caused by a careless tech but since I saw PhxBueller's speedo I've been thinking there are other Buells with the same "scar". If you've seen this mark or know what causes it please respond.
Your windscreen focuses sunlight on that spot on the gauge cluster. It gets hot enough to melt the plastic. Judging by your name, I'm assuming you're in AZ, so this isn't a surprising outcome.
do you have the standard screen or an aftermarket 'double bubble'? cause those double bubble ones did this all the time.
Double bubbles are in fact notorious for this. Don't leave it out in the hot sun, or ditch the dooblay ****lay
+1 to twoguns and GOduc - seen this happen to a few bikes on here.

And also - I love dooblay ****lay :eek:
I bought mine in az and it had the same mark, i replaced mine off ebay. Previous owner said he left it outside at work and came out to find it that way, stock rex screen
This always happens with the double bubble screen. I could see it happening with a standard clear windscreen though in AZ/NM sun. I try to park mine in the shade if its for an extended period of time.

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