Went and looked at this today..what do yall think

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Apr 6, 2023
It has been dropped on the passenger side..Needs I guess the stator cover and the Buell logo that is riveted on all needs replaced..Needs a belt,front brakes..Has an oil leak coming from behind the starter it looks like. And it runs ruff. Im guessing the tps is bad or going out.needs rear brake senosor,spark plugs,grips and a bunch of other little things The bike itself is a 5/10.. Has been sitting a while..Does have new tires. What do yall think its worth. Dude said he would take 2200
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If you're not a mechanic, it will cost you more time and money than you think.

If you are a competent mechanic, it would be a good cheap runner. It's not dead yet and they are dang near impossible to kill. BUT if you really are a competent mechanic, you wouldn't be asking us.:angel:
I would buy something like that if I was looking for a parts bike or even to fix it. If I had plenty of time on my hands and the price was up to $1000.

Sometimes the fixing and figuring out the problems can be as satisfying as the riding. That’s what would make it worthwhile.
you know how people get when they think your low balling them. guess i will offer a grand and see what happens, it is in ruff shape I dont mind working on it.. If anything guess I will keep looking, Ive been trying to find one for about 4 years. There's just none near me that aren't expensive. all the others are 5k+ Thanks everyone
I agree with CoOter and cvc on this. I like working on motorcycles. Probably more than I like riding them. So buying someone's hot garbage and dumping $5000 into it to make a $3500 bike makes perfect sense to me.

If you know what you're doing, and enjoy spinning wrenches, go for it. But if you need a mechanic, you are going to be SOL or at the mercy of someone who possibly knows less than you about the bike and likely cares even less, all the while the meter is running.
Is this purchase for fun? Then sure! Why the Hell not. It's not my money and there plenty of peeps on here to help guide you through diagnostics.

Or do you need to get to your job on it starting Monday? Umm, type "Honda scooter" in the Cycle Trader:)
Thats my biggest thing, is not having 5k in a bike thats only worth 3 tops when done. They didn't want to take a grand for it, they think its some how worth more.. They can keep it. Ill just have to drive to find one, this one was in town which was nice..
Hopefully you're not under the impression that a motorcycle is a great investment and a money maker. This isnt going to be something you'll be able to spit shine, ride around until you're bored, flip it and make a few bucks. The bike is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, and people buying Buells fall into 2 camps.

1. The guy who has $1500 and is looking for a cheap literbike to show off to his friends. This person is easy spot as they know nothing about the bike, except that its a cheap 1200cc sportbike.
2. Someone specifically looking for a Buell. This person has done their homework and is looking for something specific and usually in very good shape (and often willing to pay for it). This person is pretty rare, but their out there.

XB's have not hit the point of being collectible (and probably never will) and with parts supply drying up quickly, all its going to take is some random part not being available to turn it into a paperweight. The front isolator would be one of those parts. Luckily cvc and Twin motorcycles are working on replacements now. But what about the rear isolator? Belts for certain models are getting tricky to find also. The guys at the new Buell are only concerned about the 1190 platform and above.

As long as the motors not knocking, and all the parts are intact and not broken, $2K wouldnt be unreasonable. But if it does need a belt, tires, and other parts, that $2K bike could easily turn into a $3K purchase.
Just a thought about the parts situation, if you look at other marques that went out of business, once the factory parts dry up the enthusiast community and aftermarket stepped in and solved the problems. My example is my 75 Commando, out of business going on 47 years. I can't buy every factory correct part but everything you need is available. I agree with 34nineteen that XB's aren't collectible but they are engaging fun motorcycles and people love their Buells. I pondered this before i bought my Ulysses last fall, my feeling is it will all work itself out.
XB's can't ever be "collectable", until after the part supply dries up for awhile.

It's getting closer, but still way too many of them out there, way too many NOS and used parts left, and Buell never had the customer base with disposable cash and extra space to keep them mint (with few exceptions we are glad to know)