What do i do????? HELP

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May 1, 2009
OK guys i have a problem, I want to get a Buell Lightning XB12Ss. The thing is is right now i have a 2007 harley davidson dyna superglide. I would have to trade mine in to get it soo i can afford it. Its hard to detach from my bike but i want somthing unique and somthing that handles nice. So i need your help do i trade mine in or do i keep it and wait til its paid off in like 2 and a half years?
its always better to not have payments. I think once you get your Buell, your harley will be nothing more than something to look at in your garage.
That depends on you and what type of riding you do... Do you spend alot of time with a passenger on your bike? do you ride long distance or mostly around town... And lastly the compliments you get on a buell are as often or more often than a harley, but they are alot different, example, you rarely hear "nice bike" or "thats pretty" but instead you will hear alot of "thats crazy what the hell is it?" or "it sounds too big for its size" or my personal favorite " that's fu!kin badass!"...
Well I just thought I would let all of you know that I did trade in the harley and got myself a 2009 Buell Lightning XB12Ss all black, uhhgggg soo sexy she is.
Awesome!! Congrats on your new Bike! I've got a distinct feeling you're NOT going to regret it for a second.

Oh, and Welcome to the "family" Codeman :D[up] ...and the Forum.
You won't regret it I ride my Firebolt all the time, I keep my soft tail to ride my wife around on, but my Buell is my favorite toy. A black 2009 XB12Ss, great choice and you can LEAN it in A corner and nothing will scrap the asphalt![up]
You'll enjoy the Buell alot. I kept my '05 FXD when I bought the Scg, and like steve may said, no more scraped pegs with the Buell (yet):)
LOL...just noticed, it only took you about 13 hours between posts to buy another motorcycle!

ha yeah i made up my mind when i saw it, and took it for a test ride. Haha ive already put over 400 miles on it lol. Soo far i love it!!!

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