What would you expect?

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
Ok, so Harley is closing Buell, I know it's ********, but what would you expect from a company that sells itself as more of a lifestyle than actually producing REAL motorcycles. By that I mean what's the point of an 800 lb land whale? Look around a H-D showroom, they're selling all the ready made Harley " I wanna be a biker " crap. They're a ******* clothing and accessories company that just happens to make big fat ugly bikes. Also this from a company that mad such a big deal by saving itself from the greedy "money first" people at AMF. I remember that and you can bet I won't forget being treated this way. Well that's my rant. Wayne
******** land whales is right....

maybe they should have dropped over half of HDs line of motorcycles that look and act the same. ******* useless dump truck motorcycles... ahhhhhhhhh!! [mad]
They have been selling the exact same POS bikes since they started. Sure a different fender or head light here and there. Still the same POS it was back then. Its sad the only new bike they have made is the vrod in that time period. I will never buy a Harley. I would rather a Victory. I hope Harley has to close soon to. I laughed when Chrysler went out of business because they have always made ****** cars. They had it coming and so does Harley.[mad]
I've owned a few Harleys, and I've loved them all as much as I love my Buell.

I will agree to the fact that they're a clothing and an accessory company though.

I think what Harley should have done was cut their prices on their over priced bikes. If they made an affordable motorcycle that the average Joe could afford and maintain they'd sell a lot more. But the only "affordable" bike they sell is their Sportster at $9,000.

I think they've made a poor choice by cutting Buell out of the line up, but I wouldn't discredit their entire line.
And I will also agree on the fact that HD is a clothing and accessory company.

And I will also agree with the fact that the bikes are WAY over priced. Whos gonna spend 15k on a bike that people know isnt worth that much.

I hope Roger Penske is in talks with Mr. Buell to do something special here. Mr. Buell has the brains and Mr. Penske has the funds. Im hoping saturn left a bad taste in his mouth and wants to do something with all that money burning a hole in his pocket...It sure would make for a badass race team :D
last year I read somwhere or saw a video about harley knowing their main crowd (45 & older) was not buying as many harleys so the said they were going to start trying to sell to the new crowd of people buying their bikes which is women and the under 35 crowd , so they could stay on top. and yet i have yet to see any new bikes that fit into these 2 new crowds they wanted to sell more to, because when i saw harley's new line up 2010 with only 1 new bike a TRIKE,... come on... Ya its kinda cool( might make nice harley hot rod of sorts.) , but it's for old women and old men , people who want a HUGE CAR SIZE HARLEY but cant handle the WEIGHT of HUGE harley especially in slow turns or even in the parking lot.
( in my opinion Harley is the new (or OLD) Cadillac.)the rest of them look the same as before with new paint, graphics, chrome. where is the bikes that would sell to women and under 35. the only bikes they got for those crowds is the Vrod (overpriced alittle), Dyna (which barely is in this catagory for these crowds), and the Sporsters (iron 883 and Nightster 1200 really fit these groups.) and the Sportsters are the only ones most can afford if they have job. ...I guess like alot of corporate america harley has lost touch with this changing america and there goal is to only sell what know . which turn out good for them. but not good for BUELL at least for now , i think they may sell Buell like they are selling MV Augusta , so they cant make some cash and lose some debt or gain some small profit margin. Really makes You wondering what is in the future for harley.. will they start making even more parts overseas to increase sells or profits , because they already make alot of parts in china to cut cost , and only assemble the bikes in america, in order keep on saying they are made in america brand.
why didnt they just sell buell, why they have to cut the company off, i mean im sure their would have been pleanty of takers
If buell was making money they wouldnt have shut it down. Why is that so hard to understand? It has nothing to do with loyality. If they dont sell and you dont make money stop selling them. Its called economics.
Might be going off subject a bit, but WTF.
I'm an old goat (65) been riding forever and still lovin it. Took the Buell out today for a short 75 mile spin. Still grinning. Got a buddy with a HD Dyna, who at times I ride with. He is always wanting to trade bikes. Hummm. Well after about 10 miles of me riding the Turd/ Dump Truck, I want off. Anyway it's a shame the Buell is going away, for it's such a fun bike to ride, and I think most bike people have never had the chance to ride and enjoy one. Know another HD guy, and offered him my bike to take for a spin. He said no thanks I might like it. Hummm. HD is about going slow with an attitude. Buell is about riding the road and grinning. Oh well kind of had to vent in my way. "Eric, your the man".
If buell was making money they wouldnt have shut it down. Why is that so hard to understand? It has nothing to do with loyality. If they dont sell and you dont make money stop selling them. Its called economics.
Posted: 17 Oct 2

from what i been reading on other forums buell was making money..your right it is about economics
um actually buell was profitable the last few years. but their profit went down. not lost money.just lower profits.
I bike where selling and making money, but H-D is more worried about themselves staying alive in the down turn, Thats why they are selling Augsta and stopping production on buells. I saw on the internet that they would have sold Buell as well but their production was all made in H-D factorys. So their was nothing to sell but the name.
Now now boys,just sit back and watch what the future brings.Do ya think a Sportster can do a lap on a motogp track? How about a Fat Boy or a Road King? Mr Buell loves his creation and it is not going away.The numbers are up and rising for our kind of bikes.Interest and numbers of interested Buell riders at the tracks are up.In Europe and America some xperts say this is the next Nascar.Keep on riding keep your head up and watch.:D:D:D:D:D

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