last year I read somwhere or saw a video about harley knowing their main crowd (45 & older) was not buying as many harleys so the said they were going to start trying to sell to the new crowd of people buying their bikes which is women and the under 35 crowd , so they could stay on top. and yet i have yet to see any new bikes that fit into these 2 new crowds they wanted to sell more to, because when i saw harley's new line up 2010 with only 1 new bike a TRIKE,... come on... Ya its kinda cool( might make nice harley hot rod of sorts.) , but it's for old women and old men , people who want a HUGE CAR SIZE HARLEY but cant handle the WEIGHT of HUGE harley especially in slow turns or even in the parking lot.
( in my opinion Harley is the new (or OLD) Cadillac.)the rest of them look the same as before with new paint, graphics, chrome. where is the bikes that would sell to women and under 35. the only bikes they got for those crowds is the Vrod (overpriced alittle), Dyna (which barely is in this catagory for these crowds), and the Sporsters (iron 883 and Nightster 1200 really fit these groups.) and the Sportsters are the only ones most can afford if they have job. ...I guess like alot of corporate america harley has lost touch with this changing america and there goal is to only sell what know . which turn out good for them. but not good for BUELL at least for now , i think they may sell Buell like they are selling MV Augusta , so they cant make some cash and lose some debt or gain some small profit margin. Really makes You wondering what is in the future for harley.. will they start making even more parts overseas to increase sells or profits , because they already make alot of parts in china to cut cost , and only assemble the bikes in america, in order keep on saying they are made in america brand.