Where are challenges?

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Good question, I cant find it either. I stopped playing because someone would always bitch they don't have "insert object here" where they live. Wonder if it got out of hand? The first one got locked(but not deleted) and then anrkizm I think created the "new" one which we have been using for a while.
Well where the hell can you find an "insert object here" in this country? This is BS!

In seriousness I think people just stopped participating. It was bumped a few times but was very little participation. Plus all the bitching...
Darn it! I was just going to post the "picture of your bike, on one wheel, in front of a police station, while giving the thumbs up, and a Yeti in the background" pic.

Someone said they didn't have Yeti's in Kazakhstan[down] Now what do I do with it??

wtf. i can only find the old one that was locked 2 or 3 years ago.
i'll start a new one.
Should we start a new one from the scratch then ?

There is bunch of other topics which are dead for a year, two or three, why deleting this which was the most popular?
We do what we can, sometimes it takes time, right?

I need to ask - WTF??
Just found the brand new one and was completely baffled about #2 being missing. I started that one out so well too. Super sad face.