Where is my Delta one shirt!?!?

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
Sifting through the D1 shirt megathread is quite daunting. I sent the original guy (forgot his name) that was doing the whole shirt thing a PM about three months ago. Haven't heard anything from him. I'm not overly worried about the 20 bucks, but Where The Hell is my shirt? Are people getting refunds? Are they ever seeing these shirts, or God forbid, did someone just scam fellow Buell owners for a big wad of cash?
I haven't really handled anything just yet other than a few conversations with Kyle about taking over the shipments. I'm waiting on the word that the family has gotten the cash (and shirts) that they have been promised. I have offered to get the shirts out to those who have paid for them but honestly the paperwork associated with that is a bit of a nightmare right now.

As of now, I have access to a postal account that I can charge new shipments to and try to confirm who shirts were shipped to and have been given a HUGE pdf from the Paypal records to compare the past shipments to. I have no shirts in my possession at this time other than the one I bought and was shipped to me long ago. I have not and WILL NOT accept or handle any money associated with this as I have no interest in being in the middle of that part of it.

Believe me, I want to help end this. That's why I offered to help Kyle ship the shirts, but as I stated early on, my work will not start until the family is taken care of since that is the most important thing to me.

I'll try to contact Kyle tomorrow to see if there's any update on his end.
Yeah, I'm really not holding onto any hope. Just kind of sucks that we all shell out some coin to help a family out, and also get a shirt in remembrance/support, and we're not sure if the family got all the cash/most of us didn't get our shirts. If there was even a small amount of communication, I'm sure most of us wouldn't have such an issue with it. Thanks for looking into it, I can pull up paypal records, but, that wouldn't really do much to further the cause.
has there been any update on this? my main concern is that the money made it to the family. yeah it would be cool to get the shirt as well. currently im feeling like Kyle scammed use and is taking the money and running. not sure if that is true but i have yet to get a response from him on the status and i know 50dro is taking it over but he is waiting on other stuff. it makes me wonder if kyle is just waiting for people to forget and just move on and keep the money. i hope thats not true but that is the feeling im starting to get. i mean it has been how long now??? not trying to be an A**hole it just seems like we got scammed.
I haven't gotten an update in a few weeks from Kyle so at this point, I have not confirmed that the family has received funds nor have I received any shirts to distribute. I wish I had more to share but I don't at this time...
50dro thank you and i know this is not on you and you are just trying to help. this is why i think kyle scammed us...
Unfortunately there are all kinds of ******** out there especially on the internet.. Some without a conscious who do not care about anyone as long as they have a few extra dollars in their pocket. Know this- Their time will come, and they will have to pay for their actions.

For now, give the benefit of the doubt.
I agree with Mac. I hope Kyle gets his ten fold! What a piece of ****! ****** a family in need of a little dough, in a time of need and stuck it to a few fellow Buellers! What a guy! Man up Kyle Dewald!!!!![mad]