Who can tune my 08?

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2009
Ok so now that the tuning capabilities have been unlocked for the 08's who can I send my ECM to for a custom tune? I would love to learn how to do it myself but just don't have the time for a venture like that. Anyone? How much?
There is probably not anyone who can take your ecm and just dump a custom map into it and your bike run like a dream. The capability hasn't been there very long and so far I am only hearing 2 people doing much of it so far that would be Xopti and THEOCTOPUS. I don't think Xopti does much contract work on them anymore. Give it some time I'm sure someone will come out with some custom maps later now that it seems MegaLog is working everything should get to rolling.
Ok so now that the tuning capabilities have been unlocked for the 08's who can I send my ECM to for a custom tune?
The only way someone could do a true custom tune to match your bike without actually having the bike, would be with datalogging data you'd have to send - and if you're going datalog for them, tuning it yourself is just a short step from there.
I'm going to replace the three ipes with drag baffles and oopen the valve. If that doesn't work I am going to do the straight through with the valve operational.
Okay. I can't help you with a chambered exhaust. If you choose to make an open design, I will be able to furnish you with a map that has been tuned to a FAST intake and a straight pipe (the GB exhaust).

It won't be perfect for your bike, but it will be pretty close. I would probably lean out the cells a couple values prior to flashing to your bike to account for your climate being considerably drier and warmer than up here in cloudy Oregon.

For a reasonable fee I could do all of that for you, and just send your ECM back to you ready to go.
I have not done any work for a long time. by choice.

I do when time allows. even then its on track bikes where I give away data and work. catch me in the mood you may get free goods. which was made long ago on a dyno and dual wide band o2 adjusted to the road.

Even then any data made on a bike with the same mods somewhere else will need fine tuned to you on your bike.

the only way to have the map correct is actually have it done on your bike. anything else is a educated guess.

I have shared a lot of data with Octopuss.

I did make every ecm as a xpr file for ecmread. there fore I have every ecm. Including some race ecm that are track ecm's.We used these to verify the sofware reads and writes to it. These are not the race ecms used on the street from buell or ebr.

Theses datas I can not release. The rest I can for rework or repair to put stuff back stock.

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