Wideband tuning while on Pit Stands?

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Well-known member
May 19, 2010
This might be a retarded question, but I was wondering if anyone has tuned while having the rear wheel on a pit stand? I don't know if not having resistance on the wheel would be an issue, but it would make wideband and datalogging really easy without having a dyno, or riding around. BTW the bike would be very secure and strapped down without any chance of jolting off. Anyways, if anyone sees why this couldn't be done please share.
A air flow b road force why dyno's have a roller and a huge fan
Might aswell just set there and free rev it you would get the same result
Oh yeah I forgot to mention I would have a huge 4ft industrial fan in front just like a dyno, and also to blow the fumes out of the shop, sorry guys.
It could be done but wouldn't be near as accurate as real-world datalogging. You won't have load on the engine, not to mention the addition of your body & bike weight and the resistance they would have on the engine - with the rear wheel in the air.

Edit: If I was going through all that trouble, I'd just Datalog it - just my 2 cents.
yeah i agree... if you enjoy riding your bike, and have a laptop, just do some logging... go for an hour round trip, when u stop after 30 mins, remap it, and do it again when u get home. ride it like normal, but also try to get all rpms/throttle positions... it's really easy, and also quite fun. you can track rpm, mph, etc... you can get your 0-60 times exact (minus accuracy of speedo). i enjoyed logging on my bike.

i also agree that not having a load on the motor will give a bad tune... most likely far too lean

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