Winter Storage

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2008
So my plans for storing my bike is:
Clean it up
Top off the tank and and Fuel Stablizer
Band open the clutch
Take the battery off for charging once a month.

Anything else I should be concerning myself with? Thanks alot fellas!
Thats about what i did, I was a bit leary of a stabilizer though. I put it away about half full with plans to take it about half way through the winter and fill her with some new stuff. But then again in CA we don't have "Hard Winter" the only reason i can't ride is because i don't have any protective stuff and it is a bit cold.
In the past I have just thrown my bike in the garage for the winter. Never used fuel stabilizer, never messed w the battery, never heard of the clutch band thing, and I've never had problems. I live in MD so some years we do have pretty cold winters.
Winters here in Ontario suck. so I actually brought my bike through the front door and into my spare bedroom... I just topped it up with fuel and some stabilizer and popped her up on stands..
Thaloc, if your putting it in a garage I wouldn't worry about anything other than cleaning it and put a piece of rubber under the kickstand and you are very unlikely to need to charge your battery. Please explain the band open the clutch, I am curious about that too. If it's gonna be outside though, I would do all that and put a quality bike cover over it.
It will be parked on a cement forming board in my living room. On the banding open the clutch, I know a guy at a local shop here that sells used bikes, dirt, cruisers, street, and he says if engage the clutch and then put a hair band or a strong rubber band to keep it engaged it helps with gumming things up internally if you plan on storing it, and especially in storing it in cold areas. I cant find any more relevant info about it, but its just a rubber band so easy to do might as well. Oil change is a good idea too. I read somewhere that condensation mixed in the crank case with oil and what not and can make a sulfuric acid mixture that is not good for the bike of course. Everyone reccomends changing the oil and filter before storing. And especially using fuel stabalizer.
Sounds like over complicating a simple process. Just put it somewhere safe from the elements and you’re good to go. The banded clutch seems a little excessive. Seems like it’s putting undue stress on the clutch. But this is coming from someone with very limited mechanical what do I know.