Worked for American Motor cycle gear - Bangkok, Thailand

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Sep 25, 2011
Hi, my name is Sukumar from Bangkok, Thailand. I worked for about 2 years, with the start-up of operations with Andy Myers/Owner, Company of the Americas -- I was verbally, mentally, financially abused. My life was that of a slave -- now I am free..!!! Cheers all riders, for the life is free, as you ride free of fear !! Cheers
Hey SUCK U More, change your name or your going to be abused some more.

According to the World Wide Web, he's the owner of Company of The Americas. Incorporated out of Chandler, AZ. Sewing contractor for textile products/belts. Roughly 10-19 employees, $1-2.5 million dollars in revenue.

Or he could be the 'Don't Tase Me Bro' kid, also known as Andrew Meyer!
Hi, thanks all..
Netty2424 - Correct. Andrew (Andy) Myers lives in Thailand -- started the Thailand operations in Aug/2009,I was the first.(until May 2011)
Thanks, buellxb, my details are true, not use nick-name.
Thanks..freedom..ride as road birds !!