WTB Pucks, TS and sources for gaskets and seals??

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Feb 20, 2013
okay, adding to my wish lists...My rear turn signals are stock, but the fronts are some cheesy little rectangles, would like a stock set of front turnsignals (L & R) for a 2007 XB9 any have some and how much?

Im looking at the frame pucks, and seems a really good idea. But in searching around,, best price i found was $56.75 + shipping (XB9 style) and call me a cheap bastard (ive been called worse) But thats a LOT of money for 2 chunks of rubber or plastic,, stylish certainly,, but a bit much. I can make my own,, the local farm supply sells thick rubber stall mats for very reasonable prices and you could make a dozen, maybe 2 dozen sets. cut them with a fine tooth band saw. I realize the ones for sale online are molded and top shelf material, but at the end of the day they are just glued on, So if someone had a parted out bike frame and can operate a sharp putty knife-scraper with some skills (Try some MEK solvent too,,it will melt the adhesive along with a heat gun but not at the same time for obvious reasons) id be interested?

Same thing with the axle sliders,,, geez louise,, nice stuff out there and want to support the small business's but most are a bit much, My wife works in a machine shop that makes parts in Stainless, Aluminum, brass,copper, and some plastics,, they have scaps all the time, gonna make my own,,, just hope a customer doesnt recognize one of their repurposed parts on my bike.

So im looking for the best prices for Gaskets,, I need the exhaust gaskets and saw some references to the fact the 2007 Buells use a different exhaust gasket than the 2000 and earlier models? so who has the best deals on them?

Also would like to order primary cover gaskets, clutch inspection gaskets. timing cover gaskets, and oil pump gaskets,, a few of each. I dont trust the DPO's of the world (Dreaded previous Owners) so when i have my 2007 XB up on the bench for my upcoming wrench session i want to do full inspections,, do a look see in the primary,, check the oil pump for that worn gear issue,, check my cams (the known clicking- cam clearance issue) and i believe having seals and gaskets on hand for service,, once you have inspected a used bike you have a baseline and can maintain it from there.

So who has the best deals on such consumable service items such as gaskets and seals? and any particular brand you recomend? Ive seen several types advertised.

hope to have the big wrench and service session soon.

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