Out of all the Buells I've owned, I guess I've never had translucent plastics before! Didn't know they had different hardware.
what more do you need?
i call them "top hats". 2 required.........part # C0188.3AA..............tons still in the system.
buy the complete little installation kit..........part # C1008.1AJ........"""""""""""""""""""""""""
i'm about ready to kill someone here.
There was a bit of ambiguity at the start of this thread. There was no mention of a translucent air box cover so I was clueless.
And once again I've learned something new. I had no idea translucent air boxes required "special" hardware.
AND I also learned that if I want to get John fired up I just need ignore his posts!!!
Ha ha ha J/K buddy!
Well GREGoXB , I guess you don't want mine? :sorrow: