XB chain conversion!!!???

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Jun 13, 2010
I am having a heck of a time finding a chain conversion kit for my o3xb9s. Please give me any info or numbers where i can find one. And no i do not want to runn a belt. i bought this bike to set up for stunt riding and want more gearing. The only kits i found are in europe fo $700. I used to be a machinist and for some sprockets and spacers that is outrageous. please let me knoe where i can find one chaeper. thanks
Here's what I have for part #

Front sprocket (21 teeth); V-twin # 19-0384 - $13.97
Rear sprocket (51 teeth); Vortex # 827-51 - $63.95
530 diamond chain; V-twin # 19-0326 - $37.49
Idler pulley; Gates # 38023 - $16.78

I think the chain needs to be 108 links. The idler pulley bracket will need to be slotted to give you you chain tension.
Don't you need more than just sprockets and a chain? You would need some way to tighten the chain as it stretched. EBR sells a kit but its much more than 700 since it includes a new swingarm. You could always go to a local machine shop and see if they could make you a set of sprockets.
That is why the idler pulley bracket needs to be slotted. The gates pulley is put on there and rides against the chain. Lots of people have done it this way. It's how my xb is set up.
Yea when I was typing a reply it didn't have your post up yet. So agreed an idler pulley would work.
Anyone have pics of this? Where do you have to slot machine the pulley bracket. thanks for the info so far. Is that sprocket configuration set to closely match the stock pulley ratio?
yeah 21 front and 51 rear is the same ratio as stock for a XB12R. That is what I bought for mine.

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