XB12S Side Stand issue

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Nov 18, 2022
Western Australia

I am a new owner to the Buell family.I think there is a issue with the sidestand.When the bike is on the Stand. you would swear it going to fall over. looking at how far the bike leans over.Compared to my other bikes
I have checked the pivot bolt . and that seems ok . it has me thinking that the side stand is too short. possibly from a Low version.
Does anyone know what the length of a XB12S stand .From the center of the pivot to the foot .I am not sure if the lengths of the stand during the manufacturing years please?
My bike is a 2004

Thankyou Barrett. I appreciate your help
I have checked the engine mounting for the stand. And it seems secure. Nothing seems bent at all. The top U shape of the leg, where pivot bolt goes through. Isn't spread apart. There is a little play in the pivot bolt hole though. But not enough to give the bike, The lean it has.

I asked a Australian HD mechanic if he could search HD Australia for the upgrade kit . And there is no stock in Australia . He also searched for a complete stand or just the leg . They are . NLA.

I contacted Julian at Saint Paul HD. But they only have access to the XB Low version stand.

Twin motorcycles have the kit , but I am reluctant too pay that price.

There are a few used stands on ebay. But it worries me , that I might buy something that already has problems .

I would prefer a new stand , but it seems they are as rare as rocking horse ....
So I have been thinking of just getting a maybe 2 inch extension piece welded onto my stand. Lifting the bike more upright
I will try to get you a measurement for an 08 XT and an 06 SS in the morning for you but I don’t think that there is a kickstand with the Firebolt basket case. The ss changed hight in 08 IIRC the 06 and 07 are shorter than the later ones that shared the STT hight. I learned that when lowering my XT using the earlier SS shock assembly. And StPaul Harley also had a new XT kickstand in stock. So I ordered a new one and cut my old one down incase I want to return it to stock hight.
I very much appreciate that Cvc. I thought I could either buy the new low stand from Saint Paul and extend it or there is a new XB12X stand in the UK. That I could get shortened. I would say shortening would be the better option.
I would measure my Stand. But I am 900 miles away working .
I missed where you were shipping being so expensive lengthening or getting the X side stand and shortening as necessary might be the best option. ( I’m partial to buy a longer one and shorten because it’s easier to make pretty)
I’ll still get those measurements.
Shipping is To Western Australia. Currently the Aussie dollars is not doing so good against the USD . It costs Aussies almost double to buy out of the USA , Europe .
I am leaning more towards getting a XT stand. Being easier to cut and it would look neater
I just measured my side stand . From the center of the pivot bolt to the foot is 27cm . I think I read somewhere. That the XB12S stand is approximately 32cm . Also I see what looks like a B stamped on top of the foot.
Sorry for the late reply the XT stand is 15” from the top of the pivot pin to where the foot contacts the floor. The SS is at the shop and I will get you a measurement today when I get to work.
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Thanks for doing all this I greatly appreciate this Cvc.
I have a new XB12X leg and pin coming from the UK. And new stand bracket coming from the USA. I am not sure sure they will arrive Downunder before XMAS. But when they do. I Will cut the 12x leg down to the factory height

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